Thursday, August 21, 2008

What A Dream

Last night, I had a horrible dream - I suppose you could call it a "wedding nightmare". In this dream, it was my wedding day, and I was wearing my beautiful dress, but when I looked down at the skirt, I realized there was something seriously wrong with it. The entire front half of my dress was black. Apparently the wrong color had been ordered, and somehow this detail escaped my attention until I was about to walk down the aisle.
I did not wake up screaming, and no cold sweat was involved, but the memory of the dream laid heavily on me all day. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and picked up the phone. Although I knew there was a very good chance the person on the other end of the line would think me completely neurotic, I had to call the shop where I ordered my dress just to make sure they ordered the ivory & silver one that I wanted. It also gave me the opportunity to inquire when it was expected to me in, and I found out it should be there no later than October!
This isn't the first time I had some crazy off-the-wall dream and ended up risking my reputation as a sane person to ease my mind. Tomorrow I'll tell you about the time I did something so bizarre that Jakob teased me for a solid week. In the meantime, tell me - am I the only one who has random wedding dreams and then is compelled to make sure it was really just a dream?

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