Thursday, May 28, 2009

At Last . . .

So it really hasn't been long at all, but I feel like saying, "Our photos are finally done!" Today, I got the best email ever from our photographer, the lovely & talented Maureen of Sullivan Studios. It informed me that our online gallery of images is up & running. It contains 417 images, and good lord, are they ever amazing! Of course, my favorites are of my goddaughter, but there are some great ones of me & the Mr.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's mocking me

The top layer of our beautiful and delicious wedding cake is safely ensconced in several layers of Saran Wrap and nestled in a plastic container we got from the Container Store which happens to be the perfect size. It sits on the top shelf of our freezer.
The problem is that every time I open the freezer, it's sitting there, staring at me. It's calling to me, whispering, "Eat me!" a la Alice in Wonderland.

I don't know if I can make it to our 1 year anniversary. Or more accurately, I don't know if our cake will make it that long.